De Heilige Wet van Eén.

Christos Vincit      Christos Regnat      Christos Imperat

I am the Sacred Sun 


Invocation of the personal Rishi a-Ra-un-Tri-Vectus Inavhoki.

Activates the D13-D14-15 Rishiac capstone Nodes and Rishiac Self Identity within the Personal Shields and DNA Template, forming the natural Rishiac Tri-Flame Frecuency Bridge between the Incarnate self and the personal Density-5 (D13-14-15) Rishi Self.


When Amoraea Flame activation is practised Consistently, this LTR Power grid can be used at  any time to anchor the Kee-Ra-Sha frequencies of the Primal Light and Rishiac Identity for Amplification and strengthening of the Amoraea Flame body.


This technique is most effective when preceded by one round of the Psonn of Lyra-Invocation of the Maharata, to activate and amplify the D-12 carrier wave upon which the Kee-Ra-Sha Currents must ride.

I am the Sacred Sun Psonn


e-shoo-Ra  a-Ru-uN   Tri- Vectus      De-a-mir

Sacred Inner Sun of the Devine Trinity         reflected outwar through me


a-Sha-lum-ta     E-NU-a

Still point of eternal peace            eternally/perpetually renewed


Or-am ah-ta  a-DA     NE-ta

Light Divine now be empowered strong embolied in full expression


AuR(R) -ShU     E-Ta-TA KE-a

Reassuring comforting/sustaining come forth in being  fully unto me (in this place and time)

Pause to allow frequencies to emanate into the body


Or Um-A-Ta     E-Sa     e-Zhu-A-E-NOT

The Light this I be always & forever radiant glowing


A-ZUR-a-HA  Um-A-Ta  E-Sa  Amoreaa

The Eternal Divine Flame this I be always & forever Divine Love


HA-a-et-A   E-U-Rha-A

Eternity and I are unified as ONE


e-shoo-RA  a-RU  Um-A-Ta

Sacred Inner Sun this I be


Thah-A-jha-Inta   ah-Khum TUN

Spoken as it is stated I as this expression now




