De Heilige Wet van Eén

    Christos  Vincit            Christos  Regnat            Christos  Imperat

The Psonn of Aurora


Verse 1



1. BÉ...TÚ           é - Te - Ta           ét - A

(as "suffix" here means what's before it ''To Be'' or "is Expressed Now & in this place)

''The Silent Strength of Eternal Grace''...   


2. Jha - Na - TÁ           OO - et '          Tá   A   

(Brings)... ''Loving comfort, peaceful solace'' (in face of) ''Dishamony, suffering, spiritual challenge''...

''as condition may be or is in present experience''


3. Bé ... TÚ          é - Te - Ta          ét - A

''The Silent Strength of  Eternal Grace'' ... ''Expressed NOW and in this place''


4. E - Sha - Neú          en -Aah          Sha  LA

(Brings) ... ''Perpetual Renewal'' ... ''By the means or way of '' ... ''Eternal Living Light''


5. Ish - ma - tá          el - eN          TÂ - DUR         eTh' - A

(''in relationship to or context of '' )  ''A Stoic Noble Stance ...'' I will hold''

(in) ... ''appropriate or perfect Bearing '' ... '' in context of the Circumstance around me ''


6. DÉ    Sa - Lá          én - ' tesh          A - DUR   Á

'' The power of my Burning Passion ''  (to) Be enacted or brought forth though '' ...

'' Spiritual Love, Reverence, Loving Respect ''


7. Sá - Neu -en'         LÂ -           Ta - Lus ...

''The unknown or uncertain circumstance ... ''will be met with ''   ''Calm Bracery, Self - Reflective

Clarity / great patience & tolerance ''


Jhá ... en           DÁ    OOT    ah             LÁ     HÉ

''In Loving humility, gentleness and Harmlessness ''   ''as the will, the means ...

(and)   ''the Way of Safe Passage ''...


8.  MÉ   Ta   Blen           DÁ           SÚ     NÚ     ah      KÁe

'' Absotute, Unshakeable Conviction''   '' Affirmation or Statement''

'' The will to '' ... '' Being in fully Kristed existence






The Allur- E'ah Ra- sha-tan

Feel Good Code

Verse 2


1. La - Va            un - Ish - ma          Ta' A

''The Eternal Kryst Blood Lava/Love Flow   ''at once stoic & noble ''   '' as currently existing condtion ''


2. OOR - TU - UM           en - Tesh          DÁ - Sha - LÉ

''Fills now, completely this vessel''     '''to be brought forth through ''

''the will of ReishaLE Edonic spiritualized  2/3M  /  1/3S ShalA ''


3. La - Va           un - Ish -ma          Ta'A

''The Eternal Kryst Blood Lava/Love  Flow     '' at once stoic & noble ''     ''as currently existing condion ''


4. És - na - VÁ           Ho - en - sa          de - Ka - LÉ '

''is now engaged to ... reuniting polarities fertilization ''

''absolutely stated/ affirmed in action ... complete, consummated, birthed ''

''of Spiritualised KalA State''  (Kala 1/2M  /  1/2S=1/2 Krystar activation & '0-G'  tumaround point)


5.  ME - Ta - UR           DÚ- et - A           Sha - dá - Á

''in unshakable conviction & absolute manifestation Power'' ...(and) 

 ''Harmony, joy, co-resonance expressed now & in this place''

''I (my) journey onward to God- Source''


6.  NE - fa - Kae'          en - Tesh            ALL - UR - eA

''(to) enter into Krysted Existence''

''be enacted or brought forth through ...''

''the Allurea, 1st Eye of God''


7a.  DÁ -Sa - La           Á    -          neu       -      ReÚ

''By the power of my Will to''

''become fully engaged, embraced,at one with, & renewed by my ...

''Eternal Krysted Spirit''


7b.  Jha - en           TÁ -ish - ma          NÁ - DE'

''In Loving humility, Gentleness & harmlessness''

''in stoic and noble''

''personal intention & passsionate disire''


8.  ** LÁ - TÚ       Blen       ah' - HÉ       Reu - Dha - LÁ

''By the way of loving strengh''

''affirmation or statement''

''my safe passage through''

''Eternal, Krysted Spirit Domain''   (Doorway of Light into the Eternal Krysted Domain)

''Doorway or window of Light''


Last Line / Command Line:

'' I State and Affirm with Absolute Unshakeable Conviction

the will to be AS the Eternal Krystar Body in the Su Nu Ah

KAe Krysted Transcendent State''

